Monday, April 30, 2012

Did You Know There is a "Beverage Day?"

A remarkable day of recognition is approaching ...... Beverage Day! While many may not have heard of this day, it is certainly a cause for celebration here at Cafe Mojo!

The day celebrates beverages of all kinds and what do you know?  Cafe Mojo just happens to have beverages of all kinds! Join us on May 6th to sit back, relax, and enjoy beverages. The day is meant for enjoying friends, family, and drink so be sure to invite good company to join you!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Raise Your Glass for Patriot's Day!

Did you know that April 16th was Patriot's Day?  Outside of New England, most people do not. But in New England it is a huge holiday.

Patriot's Day falls on the third Monday in April and commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. This is the battle that began the American Revolutionary War.  Patriot's Day also honors the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, the evening he rode through town warning the colonists that "The Red Coats are coming!"

Although April 16th has passed, Cafe Mojo invites you to come in and toast the brave soldiers of the Revolutionary War and offer your thanks for the Independence of America!